This is made up of honey which is most likable by the children. It is very delicious in taste and lot of people use to prepare as a food in the Christmas. Following is the method of its preparation.
Loaf sugar   : – 100 gms
Milk  : – 250 ml
Vanilla essence  : – 1 tea spoon
Powdered gelatin  : – 30 gms

  1. Dissolve gelatin in a lukewarm milk, add the sugar, remaining of the milk and the beaten yolk and stir oven a gentle heat till it is thickens like a custard.
  2. Then remove saucepan from fire, keep for cooling and fold in the stiffly beaten whites.
  3. Mix the vanilla essence and put into a wetted mould.
  4. Turn it out when it is set.
  5. You can also include some dry fruits in the pudding as cashew nuts, almonds and some other dry fruits.