Orange Pudding Recipe
By All About Bangla
orange contain vitamin ‘c’ which is very essential for health of human being. Now let learn how prepare the orange pudding.
Salt : – As per taste
Butter : – 40 gms
Corn flour : – 60 gms
Milk : – 200 ml
Sugar : – 100 gms
Orange : – 3
Method of Preparation:
- Cut slices into pieces after peeling off orange and then place it in buttered dish.
- Take a little of milk and mix it with cornflour.
- Boil the rest of milk and add it to cornflour paste, cook this mixture for 10 minutes with string constantly.
- Add pinch of salt and butter.
- Orange spread with little of sugar.
- Mix the yolk of eggs with remaining milk and add it to the mixer of cornflour and milk.
- For one or two minutes stir longer over fire except boiling.
- Bake this mixer for 1o minutes after pouring over the orange.
- Strike again and again egg white rigidly then fold in little sugar of custard thereafter pie on top ,return to cool oven up to 10 minutes for tinge a pale brown and set.
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